Amid the terror of Harsha & Nande, trade acct becomes positive


The scenario that export value is greater than the value of imports, says the trade balance becomes positive.  After 20 years, Sri Lanka’s trade account balance has taken a positive value.

It is a lie, to say that Sri Lanka’s economy was destroyed by politicians. Form the  British Ceylon era, There was a deficit in Sri Lanka’s trade account. At that time, one  P&L ( Profit and loss statement) was used for both countries Sri Lanka and India.

During the colonial period, the cost of operations in Sri Lanka was high. But British made huge profits from the operations in India. Sri Lanka was run at a loss. Further, Sri Lanka’s loss was covered by the Indian account.

After giving independence to  India, maintaining Sri Lanka as a colony was disadvantageous for the British, Because of this, the British left Sri Lanka.

This shows that the economic crisis in Sri Lanka has been going on since then. Facts being so, It is illegitimate to say that Sri Lanka was more developed than Singapore at the time of independence. Such statements like saying, “Although he selected to university, when we were in the kindergarten class, I am the one more clever than him “.

Sri Lanka went bankrupt because of the dishonesty, hypocrisy, and laziness of the people of this country. Especially the hypocritical people who give lorry talks blocked the development

For example, JVP raises a loud voice against corruption. But they do not want to restructure  Electricity Board, Petroleum,  Public Service & SL Airline which is seemingly a burden to the Nation.

In developed countries, people look at investment items in the annual budget. People in Sri Lanka only ask, reducing the price of goods and increasing wages. They deliberately forget that they are getting such a life by loans taken from foreign countries at high interest. Also, they keep mum over  ROI and payback. This is the real reason for the bankruptcy

Central Bank Governor Nandalal and the so-called economist  Harsha declared that Sri Lanka was bankrupt despite being able to repay the debt. When Sri Lanka was declared bankrupt, only half of its debts had been paid which was scheduled for the year. The one billion due in July was planned to be settled by an ISB. There was a separate plan agreed upon with the Chinese to settle their loans.

Further, there was a fit and proper plan to get an IMF loan, there was a plan to resume the tourism industry, and there was a plan to improve exports.

Unfortunately, due to the following  reasons, those plans were turned upside down

  1.  The so-called struggle
  2.  Conspiracy of  the declaring Sri Lanka’s bankruptcy by the Harsha-Nandalal

Today is a crucial time, the largest number of hostile forces were operating against Sri Lanka both internally and externally. In such a scenario, It is a victory, Sri Lanka able to demonstrate a favorable trade balance.

Harsha and Nande bankruptcy declaration when the country was able to pay its debt, is the biggest damage ever done to Srilanka. Hence, Citizens should be aware of the Satans who disguise themselves as doctors.