Did the prophet punish the white-collar rogue?


By now Sri Lanka Cricket has become the most corrupt organization in the cricket world. There is a saying  that when the Guru urinates standing, the disciples urinate while running. During the last Australian tour, Sri Lanka’s undisciplined cricket was exposed to the world.

Dhanushka Gunathilak was accused of raping a woman. Chamika caught a fight in a casino. Charmika was also accused of molesting women.

If the allegation regarding the casino clash against Charmika is proved, he was supposed to be banned from cricket for one year.

Chamika was dropped from the Afghan tour due to indiscipline. But Chamika told a big lie about getting kicked out of the team .

Chamika said that he was removed due to the influence of a certain religious group (Born Again). Chanmika said, During Australian tour said  religious group stand against lighting candle to the lord Budha.

Charmika’s stories are outright lies. Pramodaya Wickramasinghe has explained the facts in connection with the clash of the lighting candles

In the hotel room where the cricket team stayed,Chamika used to lightning candles and Incense sticks as a religious practice. But the hotel authorities have opposed it.

According to Australian fire safety laws, the lighting of candles and Incense sticks in tourist hotels is prohibited. Accordingly, Chamika has been told to obey the the existing law.

Nevertheless, Chamika socialized a cruel lie. It eventually developed into a religious conflict. Even the sports minister was caught in the lie that Chamika socialized. In a country where the law and order in place, Chamika should  arrest under  I.C.C.P.R

However, in the end, rule of natural law enforced Chamika, who embraced the lie as a religion and covered his Shit with the Buddhist flag.

Few days before, he faced a serious injury during a cricket match at Suriyawewa Stadium. Charmika’s lying mouth lost four teeth, he was admitted to hospital immediately.