A writ of mandamus is seeking from appeal court that ordering a psychiatric report of Opposition leader


A prominent law firm has started to file a petition in appeal court  seeking a writ that to examine the mental health of opposition leader Sajith Premadasa.

Under the second section of the Mentally Ill Ordinance, if any person is suffering from a mental illness, the OIC of the respective Police Station  is to  submit a medical report to the District court in order to take necessary action.

Accordingly, the law firm is working on the  petition seeking a writ of mandamus under Article 140 of the Constitution. Further OIC Cinnamon  garden   Police Station,  Parliamentary Secretary  and Acting Inspector General of Police has been named as the respondents of the case.

The petition has pointed out that,  the way Sajith Premadasa attend to remove cricket  sanctions that  imposed by ICC  was unusual and abnormal.

There, Sajith Premadasa together with Sports Minister Roshan Ranasinghe pressured Indian Cricket Secretary Jay Shah to lift the ban on Srilankan cricket and it has been pointed out that it is a very  abnormal.

Aforesaid  incident led to the loss of the post of Sports Minister Roshan Ranasinghe, but no accountability on opposition leader  Sajith Premadasa.

Previously, civil activists took similar court actions on  President Sirisena and Gotabhaya  while seemingly they were out of track in administration.

Even though there was no people centric  decision  then, later the court had taken those matters into consideration. The court ruled Sirisena to pay compensation for the Easter attack victims and Gotabhaya founds guilty for the  bankruptcy of the country