No matter what committees are appointed , National Alert stand with Sumanthiran


The 19th Constitution was brought by the UNP government that came to power in 2015. At that time, the Rajapaksa regime had established a dictatorial  framework through the 18th  amendment. The UNP government that came to power in 2015 curtailed those powers again, that  through the 19th amendment.

Gotabaya became the President in 2019. Again, He restored dictatorial powers through the 20th Amendment. Gotabaya resigned in August 2022. After that, Ranil came to power. Ranil had a great influence that the dictatorial powers added by Gota should be curtailed. Accordingly, the 22nd amendment was brought.

In 2015 or through the 19th Amendment, 2 main clauses  were introduced to curtail executive powers. Thus, In 2015, the Supreme Court ruled that those amendments can be passed by a special majority of 2/3 of the Parliament without a referendum. Accordingly, the amendment was easily passed. Said  two clauses  are,

1. Abolition of the President’s discretionary power to remove the Prime Minister

2, In appointing Ministers, the President shall act on the advice of the Prime Minister

Because of that amendment, the dictatorial powers of the President were limited.As mentioned above after Gotabaya came to power, he brought the 20th Amendment and re-added dictatorial powers.

After Ranil came to power in 2022, there was a loud voice that executive powers should be limited. Accordingly, in September 2022, the 22nd Amendment was introduced.

The Supreme Court ruled that a referendum should be held to amend the discretion to remove the Prime Minister and appoint ministers. Accordingly, the Supreme Court has given 2 different decisions on the same issue.

Because of this situation, Sumanthiran said in the Parliament, the Supreme Court is like a pendulum, and such people should also go home. Subsequently, The Minister of Justice has written to the Speaker that the Court was embarrassed by Sumanthiran’s  statement and Parliamentary Select Committee should be appointed to investigate  into it.

At this juncture,No matter what committees are appointed, what cases are filed, National Alert  has decided to stand with Sumanthiran .National Alert  stand with him nothing but justice only.