Grave Signs for Murderers & economic killers -New resolution of UNHRC


The 51st session of the UNHRC has just started. Herein new resolution is going to be presented regarding Sri Lanka. This session has been a very decisive one due to 3 reasons,

1. Proposing international jurisdiction to the military officers who committed war crimes. Explore further targeted sanctions such as asset freezes and travel bans against those credibly alleged to have perpetrated gross international human rights violations or serious humanitarian law violations;

2.  Support Sri Lanka in the investigation of economic crimes that impact human rights and the tracing and recovery of stolen assets.

3. Group of ex-militants, Karuna & Pillayan preparing for a confession about the contract murders they committed at  the UNHRC

The new resolution comes as a supplement to the previous UNHRC Resolution 46/1. In order to understand the whole story, we must recall what was in Resolution 46/1. Under Article 46/1 (6) it has been proposed to establish the mechanism for gathering evidence of war crimes superseding the existing jurisdiction of Sri Lanka.

Now another step has been taken through the new resolution. It has been proposed to establish a special court to hear the necessary cases. It has also been proposed to establish a transparent inquiry into the Easter Sunday bombings with international support.

It has been proposed to Sri Lanka to investigate economic crimes and trace stolen assets.

A group of ex-members of the Pillayan group is preparing to confess the contract killings they have done. They have prepared to reveal the behind-the-scenes story of a series of murders including Jeyaraj Fernandopulle, Major General Janaka Perera r, Raviraj, Joseph Pararajasingam and many more.

It has been proposed to the member countries to execute the international jurisdiction against the Srilankan military officers who committed war crimes. Accordingly, accuses of war crimes such as  Kamal Gune, and Shavendra, flying to India also could be a dangerous movement