Utter slavery and Independence


World War II took a heavy toll on the British military and economy. They no longer had the ability to wage war. Accordingly, Britain decided to leave its colonies.

Last Feb 4 marked the 75th anniversary of the British leaving Sri Lanka. The people of Sri Lanka celebrated that day in different ways. The table below shows a note about it.

There is nothing wrong with the government holding an official independence ceremony. It is held in any country.During 2022 rebellion time, as foreign media reported that Sri Lanka is close to Somalia, it requires  to show the world that Country has now free from the Galle face terrorism and the state independence celebration helps it.

Arun Siddharthan, a puppet of the Sinhalese diaspora, held a Independence  celebration in the North by hoisting lion flags.

Arun Siddharthan is not a someone who possess  functional legitimacy but is a puppet of the Sinhalese diaspora

In the north, a Tamil community of about 4500 protested by raising black flags. This group goes to any protest held in the north. Their aim was to demand autonomous powers. The group that participated in this are  puppets of LTTE diaspora.


The population of Northern Province is 10 lakhs. But 5000 people came to the black flag protest. Arun Siddhartha’s group is 200. They all came for money.

That is, most majority of  northern people are not  supports Arun who raised lion flags or the Tiger diaspora who raised black flags.

It is clear that a real people’s force addressing the people of the North and the South has not yet been formed.